Making Navigation Smoother


P2NW is a Company headed to assist all Ladies inbound and outbound all ports in Amazon River, it's able to provide specialized services, such as: oily wastes (sludge) and bilge water removal, as well as, shipchandler and fresh water supply, among other that will make navigation inside Amazon Area far more confortable!

Our Main Service

P2NW MARITIME COMPANY is a company specialized in providing services to national and international merchant ships, with the highest quality and expertise in all activities and services offered for all LADIES calling the ports of the Eastern Basin of the Amazon River, such as: Fazendinha P/S, Santana CDSA, Jari - JARCEL / CADAM, Trombetas, Juruti, Santarém in the State of Pará, Itacoatiara and Manaus in the State of Amazonas P2NW has its headquarters strategically located in the city of Macapá Capital of State of Amapá, on the banks of the Majestic Amazon River, operating at Macapá Anchorage Area and Fazendinha Pilot Station, and alongside  the Port of Santana - CDSA. With great pride and great satisfaction we present P2NW to all Navigational Companies (Owners, Charterers, Operators and Maritime Agencies) our list of services that intends to assist your good vessels with our services of: Oily Wastes Removal (SLUDGE);  Supply of goods in general with a predominance of foodstuffs, acting as a SHIPCHANDLER, with supply of fresh water with duly certified quality and under the seal of the Goverment Regulatory Agencies. Working in harmony and in compliance with Port Authorities and all Maritime Agencies in the Region. "Keep in touch to our website in order to get apdated about our newest port facilities coming soon."

Our Newest Project

What We Call Crew Care

That intends to connect the ship to the doctor on land, even before reaching the next port via email. Our main focus is to provide navigation with all the port facilities that promote better conditions, more comfort and economy to the our customers, who will be served with excellence! Our dear customers can count on a very well-trained team, which will spare no effort to show its commitment to customer needs and our company's goals.
Our structural services are duly endorsed by the best Societies Classifiers such as: Lloyds Register, Bureau Veritas and ABS. our services of supplies of foodstuffs, as well as all other products that a ship need, have their good quality in origin, storage, refrigeration, validity and packaging and transport under the supervision and authorization of the Sanitary and. Ministry of Agriculture ANVISA. See our website for more details information about our services that are available to you.



The area covered by seas and oceans is considerably greater than the extension of land, occupying more than 71% of the planet's surface. In this sense, the importance of preserving maritime waters is understood, not only for the life that is concentrated in the seas, but for every living being that has some connection with the water. For this reason, p2nw maritime company makes every effort to help vessels with the correct disposal of their waste, with the monitoring of environmental agencies.


Health is our most valuable wealth! And thinking about not only on the institutional welfare of the navigation, we from Emporium Marine are also thinking about the welfare of the men who lands the hands that make these vessels sailing away, the crew. So we planned another very important facility called ‘CREW CARE’, this CCS was planned to supply crew members as well as passangers from Cruise and Merchant Ships to have easy and cheap access to medical care when needed. The majority of the ship’s agencies, they don’t have staff or structure to assist their ships in case of crew illness, or any accident o/b, so we made agreement contracts to the best hospital, clinics, doctors, home cares with ambulance and nurses of Macapá and Santana City, in order to give priority to our crew members with lowest price, with the possibility to take the doctor or nurse on board for evaluation, small medical proceedures or to watch over the crew disembark for hospitalization if necessary. This plan also provides staffs very strictly trained to give full assistance to the patient crew during the hours or days of hospitalization until returning to the ship, or until the fly back for the crew home country, our special agents will provide the crew member with translation, transportation and daily medical reportings in order to keep all concerned parties duly informed about the medical status of the crew. Since we are your very next port of call and you have a medical emergency o/b, so you can give us as much details as possible by e-mail, so our doctors will be able to reply with medical instructions and all remote efforts to get the patient stabilized until the ship’s arrival. We work in connection with all the ship’s agencies in good cooperation with all Port Authorities to provide your good vessel with every possible assistance and welfare!

Our Main Services

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With your convenience in mind, we are at your disposal for the supply of food, mineral water and fuel.

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Crew Care Service

Let us make it easy for you!
we remove oily waste, treat and dispose of it responsibly, in partnership with environmental bodies.

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Sludge Removal Services

We take care of your crew! Upon prior contact, we will identify the problem and provide a medical team to better serve you.

About Us

Our company is formed by a team of qualified professionals, speleistas in the most diverse areas, and with a single purpose, which is to serve you with excellence.

Responsible for the Financial Department and the Controllership of the Company.

Paulo Sérgio F. Dias

Responsible for the development and expansion of the company.

Ney Chagas

Company founder and CEO

Paulo Sérgio Melo

It takes care of all company operations, and is also responsible for training the collaborating team.

Wellson A. Borges

Who is Going to Help your Customers

Specialized people, committed to meeting all our customers' needs, we went looking for partners who could meet the most difficult of requests.

To better serve you, please contact us by filling out this form on the side.


Copyright © 2022 - p2nw maritime company.


CNPJ: 44.298.991/0001-06
Cep: 68.902-005
